Somatic Trauma Therapy
Thank you for your interest in the Somatic Trauma Therapy sessions.
My training is based on Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing® and Babette Rothschild’s model of trauma resolution and is fundamentally informed by Polyvagal Theory as proposed by Stephen Porges, PhD. My practice is also heavily influenced by Abigail Rose Clark’s GROWL method.
My qualification as a Somatic Therapist is accredited by The Federation of Holistic Therapists and is underwritten by Balens Insurance.
Sessions are £60 for 60 minutes. If you are a LGBTQI+ person on low income, you may access the LGBTIQI+ fund to receive a further 30% off per session.
I look forward to hearing from you!
I am not currently taking on new somatic clients. Email me to be added to the waiting list.
What is Somatic Trauma Therapy (STT) and what are its aims?
For those not familiar with Somatic Trauma Therapy, it is a therapeutic approach that places particular emphasis on mind-body integration by working with the nervous system to, first and foremost, help calm and regulate the nervous system. We do this by creating a safe therapeutic environment and by helping cultivate a heart-centered connection. STT helps individuals discover and acquaint themselves with and make sense of bodily sensations and behaviours in the aftermath of a traumatic incident(s). It is via the safe exploration of bodily sensations that we facilitate the release and expression of emotions from the body. As this happens, we integrate new somatic patterns and new narratives so that post-trauma growth may happen.
“Somatic” itself means “of or relating to the body” - from Ancient Greek σωματικός (sōmatikós, “bodily”), and σῶμα (sôma, “body”.)
How is Somatic Trauma Therapy carried out?
During a session we sit with whichever feelings you might have on that particular day and become curious about what the body has to ‘say’. A somatic therapist will help you track and explore these feelings, sensations and emotions in a gentle and safe way in order to safely discharge emotion from your body by using various mind-body techniques. These discharges will gradually happen as your body recognises it is safe enough to do so. It is natural, although not a requirement, to cry, laugh, move and release emotion in a variety of very individual ways. Not everyone will respond or discharge emotion/energy in the same way but it is worth understanding that nervous system discharges are not the same as ‘out of control outbursts' of emotion. You will always be in control of your session and be held in a as safe as possible environment.
What happens during a session?
You can have a look at this demonstration video to have an idea of what might happen during a session. My YouTube channel also has several videos which introduce people to somatic PolyVagal informed exercises.
Is there any touching involved?
Generally, no. When required, appropriate touch might be introduced during the sessions but this is not mandatory. For example, I might ask you to push against my hand/foot/pillow/etc when trying to act out a movement/release emotion.
Do I have to commit to a minimum number of sessions?
It is advisable that you reflect about the time and financial commitment you're willing to make. It is particularly important to build rapport with a therapist and spend time creating a safe environment before we start exploring more uncomfortable feelings. For that reason, I'd recommend that you commit to a minimum of 6 sessions and then review every 3 sessions to review your therapeutic objectives and evaluate whether or not you feel like you'd like to continue the therapy. If you decide Somatic Trauma Therapy isn’t for you, we don’t have to continue the sessions. Some people are more suited to one type of therapy than another and that is absolutely ok. I will also be very happy to signpost you to appropriate organisations or individuals who might offer a more suitable type of therapy for you.
Can the sessions be done online?
Yes, we can work both in-person (from North Junction Street) and online, according to your preference. Both are £60 per session.
Are the sessions confidential?
Our work together will be confidential within the confines of the usual safeguarding considerations which means that disclosure might need to be made if I become aware of serious criminal activity, I believe you are at serious imminent risk of harm from yourself or someone else or that someone else is in danger. I will discuss my client work with my supervisor but clients will never be identified to the supervisor. I encourage you to review this ‘working agreement’ document which we will discuss during our first session.
How does Somatic Trauma Therapy differ from talk therapies like counselling and CBT?
Typical talk therapies such as CBT mostly engage the mind, encouraging people to become aware of unhelpful/unpleasant thoughts and behaviour patterns and work to change them. In Somatic Trauma Therapy, the body is the starting point to achieve healing (this is known as bottom-up approach, as opposed to CBT’s top-down approach). Somatic therapy cultivates an awareness of bodily sensations, and teaches people to feel safe in their bodies while exploring thoughts, emotions, and memories.
Do I have to relive traumatic events?
No, doing so could be re-traumatising. However, uncomfortable sensations connected with past memories/trauma will come up in the course of our work together but these will always be handled in a safe way to avoid retraumatisation. The focus of the therapy is in facilitating you to release these emotions from the body.
What do you consider trauma to be?
What's traumatic is personal. Other people can't know how you feel about your own experiences or if they were traumatic for you. You might have similar experiences to someone else, but be affected differently.
Trauma can happen when:
There is too much, too soon, too quickly
There is too much, for too long
There is not enough, for too long
Power and agency have been taken away from the person or collective
The stressors outweigh the resources available to navigate them
When our primal protective instincts, intuitions and responses are thwarted
There is not enough time, space or permission to heal
It is essential that we consider social, developmental, and cultural factors when reflecting on a client’s trauma history. By not acknowledging these contextual factors we do the individual a disservice.
The symptoms of trauma may occur immediately or emerge over time from the compounding stress and challenges of processing and adapting to the experiences of life. Symptoms of trauma emerge as the body and mind attempt to cope with and resolve the stressors.
Ways trauma can happen include:
one-off or ongoing events
being directly harmed
witnessing harm to someone else
living in a traumatic atmosphere
being affected by trauma in a family or community
Your experience of trauma might relate to parts of your identity, including if you've been harassed, bullied or discriminated against. If you've experienced trauma and identify as LGBTQIA+, Mind’s information on LGBTQIA+ mental health may be helpful for you.
Is there research evidence that Somatic Trauma Therapy works?
Existing research on Somatic Trauma Therapy is extremely promising and encouraging. However, this field of study hasn’t benefited from research funding in the same way CBT and counselling has but hopefully this will change in the future as we start to understand the benefits this type of therapy has on traumatised individuals.
Where can I find more information about trauma and how it affects the body?
I recommend that you read 'The body keeps the score' and 'The myth of normal', both also available as audio books.
*Text excerpts above were taken from Harvard, Mind and Forbes websites.