Amount currently in the fund: £191
Total amount donated so far (online+offline): £804
Number of treatments subsidised: 49
To donate via bank transfer or in cash, email me.

Why I created the fund
My practice as a white queer therapist is GSRD/LGBTQI+ affirmative, non-judgemental, trauma-informed, body-positive and consent-led. I make every effort possible to ensure that this is the case and that Olive Tree Therapies can be a sanctuary for those who have seldom had one.
LGBTQI+ individuals face a number of barriers when accessing healthcare, both public and private. We are often misgendered, unacknowledged, body-shamed and judged for our lifestyle choices, making us feel like our identities are invalid and unwelcome.
As a queer therapist, it is my goal to ensure that members of my community on low incomes can have (and continue to) access to the healing power of body-based therapies. Perhaps you're healing from strains and sprains, perhaps you have a complex relationship with your body or maybe you're healing from trauma. I strive to create a safe and welcoming space, where it is my responsability to make you feel therapeutically held and looked after on your healing journey.
Here are some stats from research by the Mental Health Foundation:
Half of LGBTQI+ people had experienced depression, and three in five had experienced anxiety
One in eight LGBTQI+ people aged 18 to 24 had attempted to end their life
Almost half of trans people had thought about taking their life
Around one in eight LGBTQI+ people have experienced unequal treatment from healthcare staff because they are LGBTIQ+. One in seven have avoided treatment for fear of discrimination
Members of the LGBTQI+ community are at a greater risk of experiencing hate crimes compared to heterosexual people. Certain LGBTQI+ groups are at particular risk, including gay men, young people and those who are from Black, Asian and ethnic minority groups
*If you feel suicidal or feel in crisis with your mental health, click here.
How the fund works and how to access it
The Olive Tree Therapies Fund is exclusively reserved for those who identity as members of the LGBTQI+ community of Edinburgh who are on low incomes.
I want to ensure that only those who wouldn't otherwise be able to access body-based therapies will use it but I will leave this to your discretion. If you think this is you, feel free to book an appointment via my booking system and write in the message that you'd like to access this fund.
Anyone accessing the fund will automatically receive 30% off any treatment. The fund will pay for 30% and you will self-fund the remaining 70%.
Access to the fund is limited to one treatment per person per month. This is to ensure as many people as possible get to benefit from it but that you still benefit from receiving regular treatments.
In order to keep this fund going, I need to crowd fund for it but if you'd like to help, please feel free to share this page with colleagues, friends and family so I can keep providing therapies to those of the LGBTQI+ community of Edinburgh that need it.
To donate click here, on the PayPal button at the top of this page or email me if you’d prefer to donate in cash or via bank transfer.
As the fund gets going and donations come in, it is my intention to increase the rate of subsidy to 50%.