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Client on massage table relaxing
Tree Texture


Therapeutic Thai Massage (no oil)

Sometimes referred to as assisted Yoga or applied Hatha Yoga, Thai massage is done on a cushioned mat on the floor and focuses on improving the mechanics of your own body for better flexibility, range of motion and muscle suppleness. It is an incredibly grounding, well-rounded and restorative style of massage that works the muscles at a deep level as well as Sen line and acupressure points. It does not use any oil and the client is fully dressed. In Thai massage, the therapist uses a combination of stretches, rocking, chopping, compressions and their own body and body weight to achieve the desired results.​​ The therapist guides the client through several positions which makes it a very dynamic and collaborative style of massage. Most people will benefit from a Thai massage but it’ll feel particularly good to those needing to stretch or improve their flexibility. Book Now.

Swedish Relaxation Massage

Swedish massage is also known as classical massage and is usually the first type of massage that comes to mind to most people when they think of massage in the Western world. Developed by a Swedish person in the 1800s, it uses ​calm, slow and gliding massage strokes with oil. It will help relieve your muscles of fatigue, soreness and stiffness and improve your flexibility. It will also help you get to a calmer and more peaceful state of being, where your nervous system is down-regulated. Book Now.


Relax+ Aromatherapy Massage 

This is a type of massage that uses the sedative properties of essential oils to facilitate and encourage a deep state of relaxation. The strokes are adapted from traditional Swedish massage to deliver a slower paced treatment to promote the absorption of the essential oils into the skin. Want to know how essential oils are understood to work? Find out on this page. Book Now.

Deep Tissue Massag

Deep tissue is a type of oily massage that targets the deeper tissues in the body to release tension and provide pain relief. Whilst some of the strokes are the same as in classic (Swedish) massage, the pace tends to be slower and pressure is applied more strongly, concentrating on areas that need particular attention. You might benefit if you have a stiff neck and upper back, lower back pain, tight legs, sore shoulders or perhaps if you're sore after exercising and experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). A deep tissue massage should never be painful or agonising to receive and you most certainly won’t have bruises at the end. We’ll always work together to find the right amount of pressure. Book Now.

Sports Massage

This type of oily massage helps to prevent injury, supports the rehabilitation process following an injury and can act as a warm up/cool down for a sports ‘event’. Whether you're running a marathon, jogging, doing pilates or 'just' going for a long walk, a sports massage could make a world of difference to your fitness capabilities, recovery perception, performance potential and flexibility of joints and muscles. Book Now.

Heal+ Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a non-invasive, very gentle and relaxing type of dry manual treatment which can reduce chronic or acute swelling (edema) after surgery (e.g. cosmetic surgery such as liposuction or cancer surgery). If you’re suffering with edema (regardless of having had surgery) then you will also enjoy this treatment. MLD treatment is designed to optimise the lymphatic system by clearing lymphatic pathways and collection ducts, which is critical to allow transportation of lymph fluid. It would also be worth considering MLD treatment pre-operation as it will boost your lymphatic system and positively influence healing, which can reduce the amount of post-surgical treatments required. Book Now.

The Samādhi Massage

This Samādhi Massage is an exclusive 120 minutes session designed to gently guide you to a place of peacefulness, awareness and connectedness with mind/body. This sensory mindful treatment starts with a process of yogic breathing to allow you to arrive in your body and down-regulate your nervous system. This is followed by a head to toe massage done with warm and fragrant Ayurvedic oils and creams. Throughout the massage you will be invited to connect with your breath to allow you to sink deeper into your body. Your experience will complete with ten minutes in shavasana posture. This is to allow for the experience of the last two hours to really sink in, be processed and assimilated. To find out more about what to expect before, during and after a massage treatment as well as scientific research around the benefits of massage please visit this page. Book Now.

Grounding Floor Massage

Inspired by the traditional Kalari marma massage from Kerala, this extremely grounding and connecting treatment is performed on the floor on a comfortable cushioned mat. During this treatment, your body will be massaged with oil and you will be placed in several different positions throughout the 75 minutes. It is a rhythmic, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, deep and invigorating massage where there's an opportunity to slow and synchronize breath. Grounded floor massage feels very different from treatments performed on a massage table because it is done on the floor and the therapist is able to use their body weight to create more pressure, connection and grounding. Please note you will have to be mobile enough to get on and off the floor without help or support. It is preferable for the client to be naked for this treatment to enable continuous gliding strokes. However, the treatment can be adapted if you prefer to wear a bra or underwear. This treatment requires a 50% deposit in advance (a payment link will be sent to you via text once the booking is made). Book Now.

Active Listening Massage

You will experience the full benefits of a Swedish Relaxing Massage, along with the benefit of being able to confidentially express how you are feeling and to talk about what is on your mind, free from judgement or expectations. The 60 minute session will allow you to talk at your own pace while I ask open questions that will you support you in expressing your feelings and thoughts. This type of massage combines my skills as a touch therapist with over 10 years of experience working in therapeutic active listening services including for Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Cruse Bereavement Care. Book Now.

Head & Face Massage 

My head and face massages incorporate principles from traditional Indian and Chinese Medicine systems. The head contains all the sense organs and several important acupressure points, making it a great place to start when you come in for a treatment. Head and face massage will facilitate a deeper sense of relaxation, reduce the frequency of headaches, encourage hair growth, prevent hair fall and improve sleep. I will normally use rosemary or coconut oil for my head massages but you may choose another oil or, if you prefer, you can have it dry. I normally massage the face with a saffron cream from India but you can choose to have a plain scent free oil instead or also have it dry. I end my face massages with a gentle Gua Sha routine with a jade stone but this is always done with a thin layer of jojoba oil. FAQ's page.​ Book Now.

Heating Foot Massage 

Your feet carry you everywhere and sometimes they just need extra attention. Experience the heating properties of Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil (camphor, menthol, methyl salicylate and turpine oil) and Tiger Balm to provide extra warmth to your feet, ankles and calves during a relaxing foot massage. A hot wet compress will be applied to your feet at the beginning of each session to enhance your overall experience. Book Now.

Oncology Relaxation Massage

Swedish massage can make a huge difference when you're going through such a difficult time and it can help restore a better relationship with your body. I am trained by Cancer Support Scotland to adjust your treatments in line with your medical history, clinical care plan and personal preference. This includes alleviating pain and discomfort of surgical scar tissue or other treatment side effects – as well as providing relief from the emotional and physical symptoms of stress, anxiety and loneliness. Individuals who have had massages during cancer treatments have reported a range of positive outcomes such as improved sleep, better quality of life, improvement in mental capacity and alertness, ease of movement and relaxation (Cancer Council NSW, 2014). More information about massage and cancer can be found on Cancer Research UK’s websiteBook Now.

Introduction to Embodied Touch

If you think you'd like to experience the benefits that touch may bring but you are unsure or anxious about having a body massage, then this one could be the one for you. It’s also for those wishing to explore therapeutic touch in positive and embodied ways. We will have a chat about what your motivations were for booking this treatment so that I can better understand your needs and work out a way of working together. We may, for example, start with giving you the space to think and reflect about where you’d like to receive touch and we will take it from there. You may decide, for example, to receive touch in areas of your body that don't involve direct contact with your skin and with clothes on or we may start with a simple hand or foot massage. Oil and no oil options are available too. More information about this type of treatment can be found in this blog post. Book Now.

Don’t know which treatment to choose?

No problem! Just book any treatment for the length of time you desire and we can decide on the day of your appointment. Note that the Thai massage and the Grounding Floor Massage ares the only treatments that you cannot decide to have when you arrive due to the preparation time it requires. If you want to reach out and ask questions before your appointment day then that is ok too.

Tailoring things your way

All my treatments are trauma informed, consent-led and completely tailored to you. You’re in charge of what body parts we focus on, the pressure, the length of the treatment, the music, the lighting, the temperature (including electric blanket) and anything else you can think of. My priority is to make you feel as safe and comfortable as possible.

Already included

If you’re having an oil massage, you will be able to choose from a variety of massage oils including grape-seed, rapeseed, coconut, jojoba, olive and others. Feel free to request your favourite oil or the one appropriate to your skin type. Some oils may leave marks on clothing so it is recommended that you do not bring any valuable or expensive clothing to your appointment. ​If you wish, also included in your massage is the application of natural herbal balms to areas of soreness that may benefit from increased blood circulation to the area.

First time and/or have questions?

If you’ve never had a massage/bodywork treatment before then please read this page. More information can be found in the FAQ's page.​ 

Want your massage at home?

That can be arranged! All my treatments can be performed at the client’s home. If you’d prefer to have your treatment at home, please get in touch via email. Note that a call out fee of £15 applies for distances up to 6 miles and £20 for distances up to 10 miles. Distances of more than 10 miles can be arranged on request for a fee.


You can add the below items to your massage when you check-out. Please note some add-ons don’t apply to certain types of treatments.

Chinese Medicine Cupping: + £5

Liu Pa Guan and Zhou Pa Guan are two TCM fire suction cupping techniques used to relieve pain and inflammation, muscle stiffness, improve blood flow, decrease muscle tightness and increase the range of motion. Another technique, called Ci Xue Pa Guan uses 5mm needles to lightly puncture the skin before placing suction cups (without fire) on it to release blood from the body in order to improve circulation in particular areas. TCM cupping also works with meridians in order to improve the circulation of Qi (氣) within the body. ​Cupping isn’t painful although the pressure from the suction might feel mildly uncomfortable at times. Please note you will have marks on your body following cupping therapy which will disappear within about 7 days. Book Now.

*This add on does not apply to Thai massage or the Grounding Floor massage.. Book Now.

Essential Oils add-on: + £3

Essential oils harness a plant’s therapeutic properties to achieve a desired effect. For example, if you are having a deep tissue massage treatment for muscle pain, I can create a blend with muscle relaxing properties. Essential oils may help with several conditions such as anxiety and stress, insomnia, inflammation, digestive issues, hypertension, hypotension, arthritis, rheumatism and others. They can also be used to invigorate you, for example, by using energising oils such as lemon, grapefruit or sweet orange.

*This add on does not apply to the Relax+ Aromatherapy massage as that treatment already includes the use of essential oils. **Essential oils cannot be added to Ayurvedic massage or Thai massage. Book Now.

Ayurvedic Medicated Oils: + £3 

Traditional Indian Medicine oils are medicated with potent herbs. I work mostly with four different oils and I will be able to advise you on which is best for the desired effect. The oils I work with are Narayan, Neelybringadi, Brahmi and Karpooradi. Note that not all Ayurvedic oils are vegan so please let me know if you are vegan so I can choose the correct one for you


*This add on does not apply to Thai massage or the Heal+ lymph drainageBook Now.

Aromatherapy Hot Compress add-on: + £5

An aromatherapy hot compress is an effective way to treat and alleviate muscular aches and pains, sprains and strains, headaches, bruises and reduce inflammation, especially when done simultaneously with a massage treatment. I will add a few drops of essential oils to a bowl of hot water and soak a cloth in the solution. A hot compress can temporarily alleviate chronic pain such as backache. Because of the attention compresses require, I recommend that you add them to treatments lasting 90 minutes or more. 

*This add-on does not apply to Ayurvedic massage treatments, Thai massage, Heal+ lymphatic drainage or the Grounding Floor Massage. Book Now.

Head & Face Massage add-on: free*

My head and face massages incorporate principles from traditional Indian and Chinese medicine systems. The head contains all the sense organs and several important acupressure and marma points as well as meridian lines, making it a great place to start when you come in for a treatment. Head and face massage will facilitate a deeper sense of relaxation, reduce the frequency of headaches, encourage hair growth, prevent hair fall and improve sleep. I will normally use rosemary or coconut oil for my head massages but you may choose another oil you prefer you have it dry without oil. I normally massage the face with a saffron cream from India but you can choose to have a plain scent instead or also have it dry. I end my face massages with a gentle Gua Sha routine with a jade stone but this is always done with a thin layer of jojoba oil.

*When you book a massage treatment, please choose this option under 'add-ons' on checkout if you'd like a part of your session to be focussed on head, face or both. This add-on is complimentary and will be incorporated into the length of your booked session. Book Now.

Heating Foot Massage add-on: free*

Your feet carry you everywhere and sometimes they just need extra attention. Experience the heating properties of Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil (camphor, menthol, methyl salicylate and turpine oil) and Tiger Balm to provide extra warmth to your feet, ankles and calves during a relaxing foot massage. A hot wet compress will be applied to your feet at the beginning of each session to enhance your overall experience.

*When you book a massage treatment, please choose this option under 'add-ons' on checkout if you'd like a part of your session to be focussed on feet. This add-on is complimentary and will be incorporated into the length of your booked session. Book Now.

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