Welcome to my pratice!

My name is André (he/they) and I’m an experienced integrative therapist bringing together several bodywork practices which include Western styles of massage, Thai & Ayurvedic massage, somatics and energy work. My work is informed by PolyVagal theory and Yogic philosophy, as well as by my 12-year background in the mental health field for both the charity sector and NHS Scotland.
This means I combine different disciplines and techniques to create a treatment completely tailored to your needs and treat body, mind and spirit as a unified whole and never as separate entities.
Western styles of massage that I offer include Deep Tissue, Sports, Swedish, Relaxation, Aromatherapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).
Accredited qualifications:
Diploma in Thai Massage (Chiang Mai, School of Fine Art of Thai Massage)
Somatic Trauma Therapy (Edinburgh, SHT)
Diploma in Complementary Therapies (London, CityLit)
Ayurvedic Massage and Panchakarma Therapy (Kanur, School of Ayurveda and Panchakarma)
Integrative Yoga Therapy (Kanur, School of Ayurveda and Panchakarma)
Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy Level III (London School of Massage)
BA (Hons) Psychology and Criminology (Coventry University - 2:1)
MA Photography & Filmmaking (Glasgow School of Art - 1st w/ distinction)
Short courses:
Somatic Experiencing® Introduction (online)
Certificate in Advanced Cupping (Chiang Mai, Chatchai Chinese Medicine Clinic)
GROWL Somatic Method with Abigail Rose Clarke (online)
Deep Tissue Massage (Brighton School of Massage)
Oncology Massage (Cancer Support Scotland)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Glasgow, Gateway Workshops)
Reiki Level II
My ethos
Olive Tree Therapies was named after a very important tree to my family and my culture. Olive Trees are symbols of resilience, peace and wisdom all across the Mediterranean and it is my hope that you are able to find these qualities within yourself when you come for a treatment. Olive Trees Therapies is a space where you can feel safe and heal, a sanctuary where you can focus on your own needs, slow down and momentarily put down some of the burdens of this busy world.
Olive Tree Therapies is queer owned and GSRD/LGBTQI+ affirming.
I offer person-centred, honest and evidence-based care for each client. I strive to provide a safe, nourishing, trauma informed and judgement free space to leave each client with a profound sense of wellbeing.
If you have more questions about me, my practice or the way I work, please read the FAQ’s section of the website or get in touch with me directly.

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North Junction Street, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6HN - Paid parking on Admiralty Street